• Sustainability
    in art

  • Sustainability
    in lighting

  • Sustainability
    in interiors architectural glass, interiors accessories

Sustainability in Canvas, Glass and Framed Art

Svaja is deeply committed to incorporating sustainability into every aspect of our canvas, glass, and framed art creations. We believe in responsible production practices that minimize our environmental impact while ensuring the longevity and quality of our art pieces.


In our canvas art, we strive to use eco-friendly materials whenever possible. We carefully select canvas materials that are sourced from sustainable and responsibly managed forests. Additionally, we prioritize water-based, non-toxic paints and dyes to minimize the use of harmful chemicals.

Glass art at Svaja embraces sustainability by utilizing recycled glass in many of our creations. We repurpose glass waste and transform it into stunning art pieces, reducing the demand for new raw materials and conserving resources. This approach not only reduces the environmental footprint but also adds a unique touch to our glass art, as recycled glass often exhibits its own character and charm.

Framed art at Svaja is crafted with a focus on sustainability as well. We partner with suppliers who provide frames made from sustainably sourced wood or alternative materials that replicate the appearance of wood without contributing to deforestation. By using eco-friendly framing materials, we ensure that our art is not only visually appealing but also environmentally responsible.

Red Peppers - Glass Art Painting - Svaja

Production Process

We strive to minimize waste and energy consumption throughout our production process. Our artists and craftsmen are trained to optimize material usage, reducing unnecessary waste and maximizing the efficiency of each creation. We also continuously evaluate and improve our production techniques to minimize energy consumption, aiming for a greener and more sustainable operation.

Packaging and Shipping

Svaja is committed to eco-friendly packaging and shipping practices. We use recyclable and biodegradable packaging materials whenever possible, minimizing the use of plastics and other non-biodegradable materials. We also work closely with our shipping partners to optimize routes and consolidate shipments, reducing carbon emissions associated with transportation.

Social Responsibility

Beyond environmental sustainability, Svaja also recognizes the importance of social responsibility. We support fair trade practices and collaborate with local artisans and craftsmen, fostering a positive impact on local communities. By promoting fair wages, safe working conditions, and artisanal skills development, we contribute to the well-being of the people involved in creating our art pieces.

Sustainability in Svaja's architectural interior glass creations

Svaja recognizes the importance of sustainability in their architectural interior glass creations and strives to incorporate sustainable practices throughout their production processes.

We are committed to reducing their environmental impact and promoting eco-friendly solutions.

Some of the sustainability initiatives undertaken by Svaja:

Material Sourcing

Svaja is mindful of the materials they use in their glass creations. We prioritise sourcing glass from responsible suppliers who adhere to sustainable practices. This includes selecting glass that has a low environmental impact, such as recycled or low-energy glass.

Waste Reduction

Svaja implements waste reduction strategies throughout their manufacturing process. We strive to minimise glass waste by employing precise cutting and shaping techniques. Any glass scraps or waste generated during production are often recycled or repurposed, ensuring a circular approach to waste management.

Product Durability

Svaja focuses on creating high-quality, durable glass pieces that can withstand the test of time. By producing long-lasting architectural glass creations, they encourage sustainability through longevity. This approach reduces the need for frequent replacements or renovations, ultimately reducing waste.

Energy Efficiency

Svaja continuously works towards optimising their energy consumption during the glass production process. We invest in energy-efficient technologies and equipment to minimise energy usage and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This includes utilizing advanced glassblowing techniques that require less energy compared to traditional methods.

Recycling and Upcycling

Svaja promotes the reuse and up-cycling of glass materials whenever possible. We encourage the repurposing of glass scraps or rejected pieces into new creations, minimising waste and maximising resource efficiency. This approach reduces the demand for raw materials and extends the lifespan of glass.

Environmental Certifications

Svaja may obtain relevant environmental certifications to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability where applicable.. These certifications ensure that their practices align with recognized standards and contribute to a more sustainable and eco-conscious industry.

Sustainability in lighting

Svaja’s introduction of sustainability in lighting signifies the company’s commitment to environmentally friendly and energy-efficient lighting solutions.

By incorporating sustainable practices and technologies into their products, Svaja aims to reduce energy consumption, minimize environmental impact, and promote a greener approach to lighting.

Here are some ways Svaja  incorporate sustainability into their lighting offerings:

Energy-efficient LED Lighting

Svaja focuses on developing LED lighting solutions that consume significantly less energy compared to traditional lighting technologies like incandescent bulbs or fluorescent lamps. LED lights are known for their energy efficiency, longer lifespan, and lower carbon emissions.

Smart Lighting Systems

Implementing smart lighting systems allows for greater control and optimization of energy usage. Svaja develops intelligent lighting solutions that utilise sensors, timers, and occupancy detectors to automatically adjust light levels based on natural light availability or occupancy in a room. This approach helps reduce unnecessary energy consumption and improve overall efficiency.

Product Life Extension

Encouraging product longevity and repairability is another aspect of sustainability. Svaja designs lighting fixtures that are modular and easy to repair, allowing users to replace individual components instead of disposing of the entire product. This approach helps extend the lifespan of the lighting fixtures and reduce electronic waste.

Use of Renewable Energy Sources

Svaja encourages the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to generate electricity for their lighting products. By promoting renewable energy integration, Svaja helps reduce dependence on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity generation.

Recyclable and Sustainable Materials

Svaja focuses on using recyclable materials in their lighting products and packaging. Additionally, we explore sustainable manufacturing practices to minimise waste generation and adopt eco-friendly production techniques.

Packaging and Logistics

Svaja also considers sustainable packaging materials and optimise their logistics processes to reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation. Using recycled or biodegradable packaging materials and adopting efficient shipping methods can contribute to overall sustainability efforts.